Exact charges are available on request (via email
Domain name registration
We can register your domain for you within 2 working days (usually faster if required) of your request (via email or phone 020 8682 9140) and also advise you on names, charges and additional services like “Domains transfers” and “Whois privacy”. Our customer services are available during normal working hours – 9.00am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday. We attempt to respond to enquiries with in a few hours, though certainly by the next business day.
Our registration fee includes the year’s (for UK domains – two year’s) use; you will be billed by Limitless for renewals.
It is our policy to automatically renew domain registrations unless we are told not to in advance. This policy helps prevent domain names being dropped inadvertently. If you wish to cancel a domain you must notify us one month in advance of the renewal otherwise an invoice will be raised. We renew domains approximately 30 days in advance of the renewal date.
Domain names generally need to be renewed every one or two years (depending on the policies of the registry).
For UK domains – if you request that you no longer wish to have your domain name renewed by us, it will be left to expire and all services we provide regarding that domain name will be suspended. Your domain name will then go into a 30 day protected period, after 30 days your domain will be suspended by Nominet and it will go into a 60 day grace period. If you change your mind and still wanted to retain your domain name, you still can and at the original renewal price. This must be requested by email before the 80th day after your domain has expired, after 90 days your domain will be cancelled and deleted from the register and made available for resale through a third party registrar by Nominet. Limitless will not guarantee the renewal of a domain name after this happens.
We charge an administration fee for taking control of domains from other providers.
If you need to transfer your domain to another ISP we will release control of the domain only given receipt of written confirmation on headed paper. Releasing of domain names is usually free of charge; however, we reserve the right to charge where excessive administration is required.
Please ensure that you have read and are happy with our standard terms and conditions before purchasing domain names from us – requesting a domain name from us implies acceptance of our terms. Please also note our response times from our SLA and take note of our complaints procedure.
UK Domain Names
For .UK domains our ISP tag is LIMITLESS. For .UK domains we are members of Nominet UK and adhere to their standard guidelines. Please see their terms and conditions at – ordering a .UK domain name from us implies acceptance of those terms.