Limitless Service Level Agreement

Limitless Internet Solutions Ltd offers clients of its managed hosting services (the “Service”) the following service level agreement, subject to payment of the applicable service charges.

To manage incidents under the service level agreement Limitless provides each client a contact number and contact email address (the “Support Desk”) the Client must appoint one or more named individuals (the “Contact Person(s)”) to report and liaise with Limitless’ Support Desk. Contact Person(s) must be available to Limitless support personnel after an issue is reported, to provide decisions and assistance on behalf of the Client in achieving prompt identification and resolution of the issue.

Limitless Support Desk is available during the agreed hours (“Working Hours”) under the Client’s contract with Limitless (by default these are 9 am to 5 pm Mondays to Fridays inclusive, excluding UK Bank and Public Holidays). Additional Support Desk service through a dedicated telephone number is available 24 x 7 for emergency use only, by prior arrangement with Limitless at Limitless discretion and applicable rates.

1. Severity Level

Client’s designated contact person will report any issue affecting the Service via Limitless Support Desk (reported issues will be recorded by Limitless as a “Support Call”).

The Client must identify the severity level of the reported issue in one of the following categories:


Severe impact on client’s business, normal daily business activities cannot be carried out until the issue is resolved and severe financial loss and/or damage to reputation will be suffered by the client.


Material impact on client’s business, normal daily business activities are severely impaired until the issue is resolved and material financial loss and/or damage to reputation will be suffered by the client.


Impact on client’s business is not material, normal daily business activities are not materially impaired and any financial loss or damage to reputation suffered by the client will not be material.


An issue that does not involve any warranty or specification non-conformance.

Any issue reported to the Support Desk must be reproducible and the Client must supply sufficient information to enable Limitless to determine the cause of the problem(s) reported. Until a reproducible issue and sufficient information is provided Limitless reserves the right not to raise a Support Call record.

Where an issue has been wrongly categorised Limitless may reasonably reduce the level of severity of the Support Call. Similarly, if action taken has reduced the impact on the Client, Limitless may reduce the severity level of the Support Call.

2. Response

Limitless will respond to a Support Call during Working Hours as follows:


A Limitless technical support person will work on the issue starting within 2 hours of the Support Call on a dedicated basis to provide a resolution, work-around or reduction in severity of the impact of the issue. Limitless will use all reasonable endeavours to achieve a resolution as soon as practicable.


A Limitless support person will work on the issue starting within 4 hours of the Support Call to provide a resolution, work-around or reduction in severity of the impact of the issue. Limitless will use all reasonable endeavours to achieve a resolution as soon as practicable.


Limitless will schedule the issue to be worked on by its support team as soon as reasonably practicable and will use reasonable endeavours to achieve a resolution or work-around.


Limitless will note the issue as a modification request. This will be dealt with in accordance with the Client’s agreement. Requests will not be resolved under the support Service and will only be resolved if the Client’s contract covers modification requests.


The support Service described above is provided in conjunction with Limitless’ contract with the Client and subject to the terms and conditions of that contract. If the Client is in breach of its obligations under the contract, Limitless reserves the right to suspend the Service until the Client has remedied the breach.