

Limitless Internet Solutions Ltd
1 Ivory House
Plantation Wharf
Clove Hitch Quay
United Kingdom
SW11 3TN


Maps of the area are available from Google and other mapping sites.

By Train

The nearest train station is Clapham Junction.

Clapham Junction

Trains to Clapham Junction are directly from Victoria (7 minutes) or from Waterloo (13 minutes).

Exit the station via the Grant Rd exit and proceed west until you hit Plough Rd, turn right and continue along until the junction with York Rd. Cross York Rd and continue north down York Place/Cotton Row until you reach the embankment upon which turn left. Continue along the embankment for 200m until you reach Ivory House West entrance.

By Car

Starting address:


There is visitor parking at the office, please call ahead to arrange.

By Bus

Bus stops for the 44, C3, 295 are along York Road and serve Clapham Junction or Victoria Station.